Performance & TechnologyPosted on 25.04.2023

Bulk price updates with Menu Manager

Menu Manager provides a fast and simple way to update your menu. Make price changes, add new items and set up meal deals for your customers.

You can now change the price for your entire menu, groups of items, or select items. It’s simple. Here’s how to make Menu Manager work best for you.

Making bulk price changes to your menu

  1. Log into your Partner Hub or download the app
  2. Go to 'Menu'
  3. Tap on 'Manage your menu'
  4. Scroll down to more options. Under your menu Categories, you’ll see Menu settings, tap on 'Price settings' to make bulk price settings
  5. In Price adjustments, you will be able to set:
    a. Pricing for entire menu
    b. Pricing for whole sections of your menu
    c. Pricing for all or selected items and options
  6. Tap on the price adjustment option you’d like to make
  7. Select the type of price change from the dropdown
  8. Select the delivery pricing your change will be applied to
  9. Select the menu items or options this pricing adjustment will be applied to
  10. Review your price adjustments.
    Ensure that you have selected the correct price type and right menu item(s)
  11. 'Save' the changes when adjustments are completed*
  12. Tap 'Publish' only after you have reviewed and made all your changes
  13. Your changes will go live within a few minutes

When you’re ready, give Menu Manager a try and see what it can do for your business.

Important: Always save each edit and only click ‘Publish’ once all edits are made. Do not click ‘Publish’ after every edit as it will take our Customer Service team longer to apply your changes.