How to register your food business

There are 3 easy ways to register with the local council to get an FSA inspection & therefore rating:

1. Register online here

Simply enter your postcode, and on the next screen click 'How to apply' and you can then 'Apply online'. This can be used for all businesses in England, Scotland, Wales and NI.

Once completed, you can then email your local authority with the relevant paperwork directly within the web page.

2. Via your local authority

Use the smart search tool to find out who your local authority is. Here you’ll find the contact details for your local Environmental Health Officer (EHO) and the council’s website.

The process differs from council to council and navigation can sometimes be a bit tricky. If your council’s website has a search tool, you can use this to search for the application for food business registration, or alternatively locate the relevant section on the website. Some local sites will allow you to submit the application electronically – but be prepared to send documentation by post if necessary.

3. Via the application form

You’ll need to print this form and complete the fields before sending this to the local authority. You can find the address details you need by using this link.

Don’t forget – you should register your business at least 28 days before you intend to start trading

More information found here.

I’ve registered… what next?

Once the documentation has been submitted, the registration process will have been initiated and you’ll soon appear on the FSA website as ‘Awaiting Inspection’.

The local Environmental Health department will be in touch and an EHO will then perform a routine inspection before awarding you a rating of between zero and five. Or a pass or needs improvement  in Scotland.

Businesses will not be allowed to trade on Just Eat without providing proof of registration with their local authority.