Customer Cancellation

Unfortunately, sometimes customers will cancel their order. The orderpad will highlight the cancelled order and show the reason given by the customer for cancelling.

By pressing the “ok, order cancelled” button you will acknowledge that you are aware of the cancellation.

Customer cancelled order - notification on Orderpad

When an order is cancelled it will show on the Orderpad with the following icon next to it: Cash icon
In some cases you might be able to claim money back if the cancellation was due to a mistake on the customer’s side.

Urgent orders on Orderpad Urgent orders on Orderpad

Ask for money back

Go to Menu and navigate to the “Cancelled” tab under the “View today’s sales” section.

Those orders for which money back can be claimed you will see a button next to them.

Today's sales - Ask for money back

We will ask you to select the moment in which the order was cancelled and press the “Send” button so we can process your request.

After sending the request you will see the order will have been updated to “Money back requested” on the Today’s sales section.

Urgent orders on Orderpad Urgent orders on Orderpad